About Johannes Overmann

pic of me
*Name:Johannes Overmann
*Date of Birth:1973-01-24
*Place of Birth:Cologne / Germany
*Mass:(0.95 ± 0.05) * 102 kg
*Size:(1.87 ± 0.01) * 100 m
*PGP Public Key: UserID: Johannes Overmann <Johannes.Overmann@gmx.de>
KeyID: 0x23380EB3 (search keyserver)
Fingerprint: 14C1 3DCD B587 A43F B10A 0BD5 3969 E752 2338 0EB3
*Profession:Consultant (self employed, Software Development)
*Location:48.04N 7.87E (Gundelfingen)
50.88N 7.09E (Cologne)

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© 1999-2004,2010 by Johannes Overmann <Johannes.Overmann@gmx.de> - 2010-09-11 (V)